Monday, May 25, 2009

Santiago & Fatima
...(Radha & Krishna,Dev& Paaru,Veer& Zara...)

Two years ago I had read the book 'The Alchemist'-But till now I could not forget that two lovers Santiago & Fatima- Even it was not a love story-Paulo Coelho had done a good work by telling the story of Santiago-who is seeking his destiny on the journey of life- in love with Fatima.When he about to start the journey to find the treasure he meets with Fatima to say bye "I am going away, and I want you to know that I am coming back . I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you!" Fatima said "one is loved because one is loved no reason needed for loving, I will be with the hope that you come back"....As Paulo Coelho says -when you are in love things make even more sense. and love would never keep a man from his destiny.This story tells the true love ,the hope ,the trust of love. And love is a universal concept ,most of the people believe that they felt love or feel it . But Love and True love is not the same thing. Infact they might even be complete opposites.I have seen lot of people who are in love or got broken up in love. This is so common in this world,many of the people are falling in love(as if somebody pushing them to do so!)and breaking it up soon or later.Some people they change their partners in a week/month /yearly basis.Some people say that they want to be with the another person forever ; a day apart feels like years!! So called lovers do not know the exact meaning of true love but still they are lovers ... It happens..It could change a person's whole life .And atlast those hardcore lovers finding a solution when the intensity of love goes up - Marriage!!! After marriage they use new statements or they derive conclusions from those feelings ,( after being loved long and hard).. in such a way that - " It was quite promising .. but ..","I never thought that his/her character changes", " Got bored..",It is coming to a point that they have to adjust each other or just break up..
Some people after being cheated twice or more , they are afraid of love...they may take it as a the things happens
reversely..Infact commonly people feel love to others , we love what the other person does for us , the way she/he makes us feel.It is an extension of our love for oursellves.That is not at all true love..As a matter of fact there are different levels -(things or attitude changes as we get a little older..,,) It could be love at first sight/ a crush/infatuation-roaming around, commitments, promises, after few months - "because of misunderstanding ....","Yah.. it was a lopsided relationship..." the reason of parting starts like that ..Then Another type, they are so gaga people - Live together , physical closeness, Again say each other 'we should put us on hold for a while..',or "I dumped him/her"..the stories goes on and on.........
But the True love is different ,It just happens.. No commitments , No conditions, No expectations,No arguments ... It is so soothing the ultimate or extreme level of love is not marriage or sex or parting.. it's an unconditional feeling..When we reach that level of love, that is the ultimate, for that love is eternal beyond time and space.That love is not self-centered, it is the truest love, one could have for another person. These are the great examples from my viewpoint ...
Santiago & Fatima, Radha & Krishna,Dev& Paaru,Veer& Zara...